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Chit Chats debuts Canada’s parcel locker “Open Network”

BURLINGTON, August 30, 2022 – Available to businesses small and large, ranging from e-commerce to retail, couriers and shipping companies, Chit Chats Lockers aim to make shipping low-cost, easily accessible and reduce the carbon footprint of logistics.

E-commerce has grown dramatically and this has created demand for a system for consumers to receive their deliveries, safely and securely. Canadians “on the go” are adopting alternatives to home delivery for their personal shopping needs in greater numbers than ever before, opting for more conveniently located, self-service, attended, and automated out-of-home delivery and pick-up solutions . 

It is for this reason that Chit Chats, a successful and reliable Canadian-owned shipping service, which has delivered over 20 million shipments with over 40 branches in the major hockey cities, has deployed its first lockers in the Greater Toronto area and Vancouver and plans on expanding this to hundreds over the next year.

Each locker location will offer easy access to users and co-located with other services that are in frequent demand with consumers, such as gas stations, retail stores, shopping plazas, commuter transportation facilities, and similar venues.

I am very excited for us to help Canadian entrepreneurs, businesses and consumers by providing shipping at much lower costs, more convenience and in an automated accessible way. Shipping is so expensive in Canada and it curtails what consumers can buy and what Canadian entrepreneurs can sell. We look forward to partnering with e-tailers, retailers and businesses to provide them with a national footprint for collection and returns, as well as carriers, who can provide this convenient service to consumers and eliminate some of the biggest frustrations associated with home deliveries.

Dr. Kevin Ham, CEO of Chit Chats
Chit Chats Lockers

Consumers love parcel locker networks. They allow online shoppers and retailers to send, pick up and return goods 24/7. This innovative and convenient service means no more line-ups, closing times or waiting at home for your delivery. Plus, you can usually pick up or drop off your parcel in under 10 seconds. Home delivery is very hard these days, very costly, so we provide another alternative. We solve the first mile and last mile, the expensive parts of home delivery and contribute to reducing the environmental impact.

Tony Jasinski, Vice President Parcel Lockers of Chit Chats.

About Chit Chats  

Chit Chats is Canada’s leading ecommerce shipping solution. Since 2001, Chit Chats has been helping Canadian entrepreneurs live their dreams by providing fully tracked low-cost shipping options. With innovative shipping services and technology that helps businesses effortlessly manage shipping every step of the way, Chit Chats has over 70 locations across Canada today.

For more information, please reach out to Tony Jasinski: